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The 2020 Indigenous Summer Scholars

Melissa Anderson will be training with Melanie Martin on Measuring Axon Diameters in the Mouse Brain

Cadie Arbez-RondeauCadie Arbez-Rondeau

I am a proud bilingual Métis woman! Born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba in the St-Boniface district. My research interest are in sciences and ranges with anything concerning our environment locally and globally. I look forward of being part of the Indigenous Scholar Summer program and creating friendships, gaining experience and knowledge in research.

Cadie will be training with Athar Ata on Antibiotic lead compounds from endophytic fungi of Indigenous medicinal plants of Prairie Provinces

Mohamed Crossman-Serb

I am a proud Métis student born and raised in Winnipeg. I graduated last year from the University of Winnipeg with a double major in Chemistry and Kinesiology (Exercise Science). I am currently upgrading to open the door towards an education or graduate program. 

I wanted to be a part of the ISSP program to get hands on experience with research and to see if graduate studies would be something of interest to me. My current research interests would be environmental chemistry, biomechanics and indigenous sports programming. 

In my free time, I volunteer as a canoe/kayak coach and am a director of Waterways, a non-profit focusing on indigenous land-based/recreation programming.

Mohamed will be training with Nora Casson on Human Influences on Water Quality

Sarah DeLarondeSarah DeLaronde

Tansi, my name is Eagle Cloud Woman and my English name is Sarah DeLaronde. I am first and foremost a mother to my two beautiful babies, Shayne and Ohi. I’m a blessed to come from many different bloodlines and am proud to say I’m from the North. I recognize the privilege I have to have been raised in ceremony, in a household steeped in traditions, surrounded by matriarchs. I carry this with me in all things, including my work and academia. I graduated with a BA in Anthropology from the University of Winnipeg in 2018 and was recently accepted to the Masters in Development Practice: Indigenous Development program beginning in September 2020. My research interests include all aspects of Indigenous spirituality, birth sovereignty and life cycles. One day I hope to give back to my chapan Mary’s community of Pimicikamak byway of research and development. I look forward to expanding my knowledge bundle during my time with the Indigenous Summer Scholar Program to prepare for the next part of my journey. Kinanaskomitinawaw.

Sarah will be training with Jaime Cidro, who is the lead on a project that focusses on supporting Indigenous community organizations in taking the lead in establishing their own research priorities and developing and supporting research platforms.

Sierra HillSierra Hill

My name is Sierra Hill, I am in my fifth year of University, working on a degree in Honours History, with a double major in Sociology. I am a proud Métis woman, who has been working on reconnecting with my culture over the past few years. My goal after finishing my degree is to go on to a Master’s program in Public History. My research interests include Canadian History, War History, History of the Metis people, and Curatorial and Museum studies. I am really interested in accessible education and would like to be a part of creating spaces in museums that are accessible to all levels of education. When I am not studying, I enjoy surrounding myself with family and friends, as well as my dog, Grimm. I am very much looking forward to the opportunities that I will be immersed in with ISSP. I was lucky to have been taught by Dr. Keshavjee this past year, and look forward to learning more and refining my skills under her leadership and this amazing project.

Sierra will be training with Serena Keshavjee on Curatorial Preparation towards the Exhibition “The Visual Culture of Ghosts”

Amy Jackson

Amy will be training with Mark Ruml on Indigenous Spiritual Biography as the Matrix for Truth and Reconciliation

Meagan MalcolmMeagan Malcolm

Meagan Malcolm is an Anishinaabekwe. She is a member of Roseau River Anishinaabe First Nation, but also has ties to Sandy Bay and Ebb and Flow First Nation. She is currently majoring in Criminal Justice at the University of Winnipeg and plans on pursing a career in law. She believes that education is a key to success. Meagan has been an active student leader and was the First Indigenous Woman to be President of the University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA). She has lobbied the federal government at Parliament Hill on Indigenous access to education and action to climate change. Meagan is the in-coming National Executive Representative for the Canadian Federation of Students Circle of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Students. She will be representing Indigenous students nationally. The advancement of Indigenous students matters to Meagan and its what drives her what she does. She is looking forward to continuing her work of fighting for Indigenous access to education and addressing the importance of upholding Indigenous rights.

She hopes the Indigenous Summer Scholars Program will develop the research skills that
will eventually lead her into law school. Meagan will continue the path started by the generation
of Indigenous before her, like her grandmother - the matriarch of her family. The path of
challenging stereotypes and being a strong, educated, Indigenous role model for the sisters that
will come after her.

Meagan will be training with Jeannie Kerr on their project Student-Led Decolonial Movements in Higher Education: A Case Study of the Indigenous Course Requirement at The University of Winnipeg

Kaliesa McGillvrayKaliesa McGillvray

Kaliesa McGillvray is a Métis student pursuing a BA in Religion & Culture, with a minor in Women’s and Gender Studies. She is currently working as a researcher with SWARM, an artist-researcher collective that engages with bee-ecocultures and the impact of rapid environmental change. Kaliesa is interested in knowledge building through research-creation as an experimental, artistic and scholarly form of investigation. Her research process is informed by Métis culture and history, including bead work and Indigenous languages. She looks forward to connecting with other students and developing her research skills through the Indigenous Summer Scholars Program

Kaliesa will be training with Roewan Crowe on Swarming the Greenhouse Artlab: Artistic Encounters Bee Eco­Cultures in the Age of Chthulucene - The Arc/Hive

Greg Meconse

My name is Greg Meconse, I am Anishinaabe from Pinaymootang First Nation and Lac Suel First Nation. I grew up in Winnipeg and graduated from Glenlawn High school. I love soccer, fitness and my family. I spent time studying in Prince George B.C. before moving back to Winnipeg and attending the University of Winnipeg. I am interested in Kinesiology as well as Indigenous Studies, and am interested in researching Indigenous Health. I am interested in receiving guidance from senior faculty and researchers, as well as diving deeper into academia. I am really hoping this experience in ISSP can be a stepping stone in my development as an Indigenous man, and that I can be a role model for the next generation of youth.

Greg will be training with Michael Dudley on Indigenous Linguistic Knowledge in the University of Winnipeg Library

Caitlin ParkerCaitlin Mostoway Parker

I have graduated with a 4yr BA in Classics, and am currently upgrading to an honours degree. I will be starting a master's program in the fall of 2020 in Classical Archaeology. (I was just accepted into the University of Alberta, although I am waiting on two other schools before making a decision.) I have 4 years of archaeological field experience, and will be digging in southern Italy this summer.

Caitlin will be training with Janis Thiessan on The Manitoba Food History Project

Ben RolofBen Roloff

Of Red River Métis descent, Ben Roloff was born and raised in Dauphin, MB. Completing his Bachelor of Music at Brandon University in 2018, Ben now lives in Winnipeg and is currently studying English and Indigenous Studies at the University of Winnipeg, with plans to enter the After-Degree Education program in the fall. Ben's areas of research interest include music analysis and composition, English literature, and Indigenous history, governance, and traditional knowledge systems. His interest is intensified when these particular areas interact with one another, such as the analysis of Indigenous texts, literature, or music. Ben's interest in interdisciplinary research was sparked after being invited to present an analytical comparison of William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream with Duke Ellington's 1957 jazz composition "Up and Down, Up and Down, I Will Lead Them Up and Down" at the 2018 Northern Plains Conference for Early British Literature. As a part of the Indigenous Summer Scholars Program, Ben is looking forward to further engaging with Indigenous communities, learning from his U of W research associate, and expanding his own education and experience.

Ben will be training with Mavis Reimer on Six Seasons of the Asiniskow Ithiniwak: Reclamation, Regeneration, and Reconciliation, Production Team

Martina SaundersMartina Saunders


My name is Martina Saunders and I am a proud Ininew Iskwew from York Factory First Nation. My home community is York Landing, Manitoba in the Treaty 5 Territory. My interests include spending quality time with my family. I am a mother, Grandmother and honor the roles that I have been given. I love to teach my grandchildren about our Ininew culture.
I am currently completing my degree at the University of Winnipeg with a major in Urban and Inner City Studies. From a young age I dreamed of going to law school. The areas of research that I am interested in are Indigenous Studies, human rights and gender studies. What excites me most about the ISSP program is getting to meet other students and learning about each other’s experiences and working as a team. I look forward to getting experience in research and learning about what opportunities may lay ahead in graduate studies.

Martina will be training with Lorena Fontaine on the Manitoba Indigenous Languages Teaching Resource Database

Kirstin WitwickiKirstin Witwicki

Aaniin boozhoo nindinawemaaginidog! 

I am an Anishinaabekwe from Long Plain First Nation.  I am currently completing a double major in Indigenous Studies and Geography with a strong focus on reclaiming the Ojibwe language. My days are spent working part time for a local credit union, the Bear Clan Patrol Inc, attending classes, and caring for my children. A mother of 6 and grandmother of 2, family is important to me and any and all of my achievements are meant to pave the way for future generations. My hope is that my time with the ISSP program will provide me with the skills needed to continue on to graduate studies with the best chance of success. 

Kirstin's training with Shailesh Shukla on Indigenous Wisdom and Innovations for Sustainable Food Systems and Future

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