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Research/Thesis Information

What is the thesis process?

The Thesis Information page contains the graduate thesis handbook, which outlines required procedures, forms, and timelines for thesis-based students.

How do I find a Graduate Research Supervisor?

While you are not obligated to secure a supervisor before applying to graduate studies at the University of Winnipeg, it is a good idea to contact potential faculty members in your program of interest ahead of time. The easiest way to do this is to look at the program website’s list of faculty members, and review the research being carried out by each member. If you find a faculty member doing work in your area of interest, you could send them an email asking if they are taking on graduate students. You may also consider contacting the Graduate Program Chair with a brief research proposal, asking if they could recommend anyone in the program engaging in similar work.

Some programs will assign a supervisor upon admission; some will do so later in the program.

For more information on finding a supervisor, visit this page.

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