Teaching Climate Change Education in the Manitoba K-12 Education System Webinar Series
Interested in learning more about the history, current trends and future of climate change education in Manitoba? Wanting to increase the content on climate change in your teaching?
This series of webinars offers pre-service teachers, K-12 teachers, school leaders, and post-secondary teachers an introduction to the context of climate change and the content and pedagogy of effective climate change education.
Feel free to reach out to Will Burton for further details.
Webinar #1: The Story of Climate Change for People in Canada
This webinar is an introduction into climate change where we will explain historical records and future projections of climate change using the Climate Atlas of Canada. After identifying the changes expected and how we can find information on a local level, we will then discuss the impacts this will have on people in Canada and why it is important to increase awareness and preparation in anticipation of these events.
Presenters: Christey Allen & Nora Casson (University of Winnipeg, Prairie Climate Centre)
Webinar #2: Climate Change Education and the Manitoba K-12 Curriculum
This webinar session will define climate change education (CCE) and situate it within the context of the Manitoba curriculum and policy documents. Specific attention will be paid to how CCE is distinguished from education for sustainable development (ESD), and opportunities for integrating CCE into teaching and learning that align with Manitoba curriculum specific learning outcomes.
Presenter: Will Burton (University of Winnipeg, Faculty of Education)
Webinar #3: Climate Change Education - Growing the Good: Climate Action in K-12 Schools
This online gathering will unveil the remarkable strides being made within K-12 educational settings to ‘grow the good’ to cultivate a culture of climate action and empower students as agents of positive environmental change.
Explore the diverse array of initiatives and strategies driving climate action across K-12 schools. From grassroots movements to structured programs, we'll uncover how schools are embracing global competencies for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and nurturing the growth of a greener future.
Whether you're an educator, student, parent, or community member, this webinar promises to be an enriching and empowering experience. Join us as we explore the power of education in growing the good, fostering climate action, and nurturing an ethos of hope within K-12 schools.
Presenter: Heather Eckton (Seven Oaks School Division)
Webinar #4: Climate Change and Climate Justice
This webinar will highlight the importance of diverse perspectives in climate change. Climate change does not affect all people equally, and through climate change planning, we have the responsibility of ensuring that everyone has access to information and resources that decrease climate change risks and increase community resilience.
Presenters: Christy Allen & Erika Macpherson (University of Winnipeg, Prairie Climate Centre)
Webinar #5: Climate Change Education and Children
The scale and potential devastation of the climate crisis make it an issue that should be addressed by educators with thoughtfulness and care. In this webinar, we discuss such questions as: What is the impact of the climate crisis on children?; How do schools currently perpetuate hegemonic attitudes and values that are at the source of the climate crisis?; How might teachers educate for a cultural transformation that values a relational and healing view?; With an evolving cultural transformation in mind, what are some practical activities to help children connect with nature in their community?; How can educators provide opportunities for children to develop capabilities towards collective action? (within the scope of their lives as children)
Presenter: Mike Link (University of Winnipeg, Faculty of Education) | View presentation slide deck
Webinar #6: Supporting Youth with Climate/Eco Anxiety
This webinar explores the relationship between climate change and student well-being. Theories and frameworks for children’s well-being offer perspectives on how to support diverse students meaningfully and responsively across contexts. This webinar explores how to identify and address eco-anxiety, climate despair, and climate grief. Strategies to create opportunities for K-12 students to adapt, feel hopeful, and take action in light of climate change will be addressed.
Presenter: Heather Krepski (University of Winnipeg, Faculty of Education)
Webinar #7: Climate Justice: Environmental Racism and Critical Climate Literacy
This webinar explores climate justice and the need for addressing environmental racism by cultivating critical climate and scientific literacy among all. By sharing various frameworks and principles that may inform human-nature interrelationships, the webinar will invite you to (re)imagine possibilities for just interactions by interrogating: How and in what ways human-induced rapid climate change is disproportionally affecting vulnerable populations? How might climate literacy help in addressing environmental racism? How might we invite critical eco-justice-oriented conversations that may inform cultural and environmental concerns of marginalized peoples? What opportunities does Manitoba curricula offer to invite such conversations?
Presenter: Latika Raisinghani (University of Winnipeg, Faculty of Education)