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RSH: Understanding Intellectual Property & Data Sharing

Mon. Dec. 4 12:30 PM - Mon. Dec. 4 01:30 PM
Contact: Dylan
Location: Zoom

Julia Ryckman, lawyer at Fillmore Riley LLP (and former UWinnipeg Legal Counsel, Research), facilitates this Research Starts Here (RSH) session exploring intellectual property and data sharing. Julia will provide an introduction to intellectual property: what is it and how can you use, share and protect it.                                                                                                           

Register in advance for this meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrceGgpzsvGte_Kaf_PoGQt7xVD0_jOyl6

Please contact Dylan Jones in the Research Office, (d.jones@uwinnipeg.ca) with any questions.