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External Research Grants

The Research Office at the University of Winnipeg provides support to researchers applying for external research funding. The Research Office regularly shares information with the UWinnipeg community on various funding opportunities, reviews grant applications, and notifies researchers of grant competition results. The Research Office also supports the development of tri-council funding transfers and various external research contracts and agreements. For more information about developing an application, and the various opportunities available, see below.

If you are seeking funds from an external granting agency not listed below and you would like support, please reach out to the Research Office at researchoffice@uwinnipeg.ca

***PLEASE NOTE***: In addition to the 6-3-4-2 review deadlines, the Research Office is instituting a new additional mandatory internal deadline of 3 business days before an external deadline. This new deadline would require researchers who did not meet the 2-week internal deadline to submit a completed grant application to a Program Officer in the Research Office three days before an external grant deadline, regardless of whether notice has been given to staff of the intent to apply. If a researcher cannot meet this deadline, the Research Office will not sign off on, review, or forward an application to the external agency. For more information, please view this memo.

Developing an External Grant Application

While researchers at the University of Winnipeg are responsible for developing their research programs and proposals themselves and/or with their research team, the Research Office:

  • Provides advice on external grant guidelines and instructions;
  • Provides advice on proposal budget and budget justification;
  • Provides advice on knowledge mobilization plans and open access requirements;
  • Provides technical assistance with electronic forms and funder portals;
  • Provides letters of support when required by the funder;
  • Provides access to successful applications from previous competitions, upon approval of award holder;
  • Reviews applications for compliance with external funder’s instructions, university policies, eligibility and selection criteria, and recommends adjustments.

The Research Office has recently implemented a 6-4-3-2 Review Process:

Image describing the 6-4-2 Review process.

Text description of infographic

See the information below for external grant deadlines.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

IMPORTANT: The Research Office has recently implemented a new 6-4-3-2 Review Process for external grants. Please see "Developing an External Grant Application" above for more information.

SSHRC Mandate: To promote and support postsecondary-based research and training in the social sciences and humanities; and advise the minister on matters relating to social sciences and humanities research. Through grants, fellowships and scholarships, SSHRC helps Canada’s researchers do what they do best: train the next generation of talented, creative thinkers and doers; build knowledge and understanding about people, cultures and societies; and drive the innovations that address the challenges of today and tomorrow.

For support applying for a SSHRC application, contact Lauren Bosc, Lead Program Officer, Research Partnerships. The current SSHRC Representative at UW is Dr. Jaime Cidro. Learn more about the current internal peer-review group members for SSHRC applications by reaching out to Lauren.

Upcoming SSHRC deadlines:

Opportunity 6-Week Deadline 4-Week Deadline 3-Week Deadline 2-Week Deadline External Deadline Results Announced
Partnership Engage Grant N/A Feb. 15 Feb. 22 Mar. 1 Mar. 15, 2025 May 2025
N/A May 15 May 22 June 1 June 15, 2025 Aug. 2025
N/A Aug. 15 Aug. 22 Sept. 1 Sept. 15, 2025 Nov. 2025
N/A Nov. 15 Nov. 22 Dec. 1 Dec. 15, 2023 Feb. 2024
Partnership Development Grant Oct. 1 Oct. 15 Oct. 22 Nov. 1 Nov. 15, 2024 Mar. 2025
Partnership Grant - Stage 1 Dec. 15 Jan. 13 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Feb. 10, 2025 June 2025
Partnership Grant - Stage 2 (by invite only) Sept. 1 Sept. 15 Sept. 22 Oct. 1 Oct. 29, 2025 Apr. 2026
Insight Development Grant N/A

Dec. 15

[earlier date due to holidays]

Dec. 20 Jan. 15 Feb. 2, 2025 June 2025
Insight Grant Aug. 15 Sept. 1 Sept. 7 Sept. 15 Oct. 1, 2024 Apr. 2025
Connection Grant N/A

Dec. 15

[earlier date due to holidays]

Dec. 20 Jan. 15 Feb. 1, 2025 Mar. 2025
N/A Apr. 1 Apr. 7 Apr. 15 May 1, 2025 June 2025
N/A July 1 July 7 July 15 Aug. 1, 2025 Sept. 2025
N/A Oct. 1 Oct. 7 Oct. 15 Nov. 1, 2024 Jan. 2025
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)

IMPORTANT: The Research Office has recently implemented a new 6-4-3-2 Review Process for external grants. Please see "Developing an External Grant Application" above for more information.

NSERC Mandate: To promote and support postsecondary-based research and training in the natural sciences and engineering. NSERC encourages Canadians to embrace a STEM mindset, so they can grow up curious and critical of the world around them. It popularizes science culture by supporting museums, libraries and not-for-profits putting on activities for youth and families that promote STEM as an important part of their lives. It works closely with the research community to make science and engineering more equitable, diverse and inclusive. 

For support applying for a NSERC application, contact researchoffice@uwinnipeg.ca. The current NSERC Representative at UW is Dr. Melanie Martin (Physics), m.martin@uwinnipeg.ca. Learn more about the current internal peer-review group members for NSERC applications. For support applying for an NSERC application, contact Rachel Keijzer, Program Officer, Natural Sciences, Security, and Infrastructure.

Upcoming NSERC deadlines:

Opportunity 6-Week Deadline 4-Week Deadline 3-Week Deadline 2-Week Deadline External Deadline Results Announced
Discovery Grant (incl. supplements / envelopes below in same competition) Sept. 15 Oct. 1 Oct. 7 Oct. 15

Nov. 1, 2024

(Aug. 1 NOI)

May 2025
Discovery Accelerator Supplements see above see above see above see above see above
Discovery Development Grant see above see above see above see above see above
DND/NSERC Discovery Grant Supplements see above see above see above see above see above
Discovery Grants – Northern Research Supplement see above see above see above

see above

see above
Research Tools and Instruments Grant Sept. 13 Sept. 27 Oct. 4 Oct. 11 Oct. 25, 2024 May 2025
Subatomic Physics Discovery Grant (Individual and Project) Sept. 15 Oct. 1 Oct. 7 Oct. 15

Nov. 1, 2024

[Aug. 2 (NOI) /
Oct. 1 (project  requesting $500,000+)]

May 2025
Subatomic Physics Major Resources Support Aug. 15 Sept. 1 Sept. 7 Sept. 15

Oct. 1, 2024

(Aug. 1 NOI)

May 2025
Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) Aug. 11 Aug. 25 Sept. 1 Sept. 8

Sept. 22, 2024 (if invited)

(May 1 LOI)

April 2025
Alliance Grant No deadline; open call 5-24 weeks after application
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

IMPORTANT: The Research Office has recently implemented a new 6-4-3-2 Review Process for external grants. Please see "Developing an External Grant Application" above for more information.

CIHR Mandate: To excel, according to internationally accepted standards of scientific excellence, in the creation of new knowledge and its translation into improved health for Canadians, more effective health services and products and a strengthened Canadian health care system.

For support applying for a CIHR application, contact Akshi Malik, Program Officer, Health, Knowledge Translation and Mobilization.

Upcoming CIHR deadlines: See the CIHR website.

Tri-Agency: New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF)

IMPORTANT: The Research Office has recently implemented a new 6-4-3-2 Review Process for external grants. Please see "Developing an External Grant Application" above for more information.

NFRF Mandate: The New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) supports world-leading interdisciplinary, international, high-risk / high-reward, transformative and rapid-response Canadian-led research. It does so through two main competitions: Exploration and Transformation.

For support applying for a NFRF application, contact Rachel Keijzer, Program Officer, Natural Sciences Research, r.keijzer@uwinnipeg.ca.

Upcoming NFRF deadlines:

Opportunity 6-Week Deadline 4-Week Deadline 3-Week Deadline 2-Week Deadline External Deadline Results Announced

NFRF - Exploration

Nov. 1 Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 28

Dec. 12, 2023

(Oct. 11 NOI)

March 31, 2024

NFRF - Transformation (Letter of Intent)

Nov. 15 Nov. 29 Dec. 6 Dec. 13

Jan. 10, 2024 (Oct. 25 NOI)

Only successful LOIs can submit a full application for Sept. 2024
Research Manitoba

Research Manitoba Mandate: Research Manitoba promotes, supports, and coordinates the funding of research excellence and innovation in health, natural and social sciences, engineering and the humanities in Manitoba. Research Manitoba supports local talent development by providing research support to early career researchers and graduate students, along with fostering strategic partnerships to strengthen research and innovation in Manitoba.

For support applying for a Research Manitoba application, contact Rachel Keijzer.

Upcoming Research Manitoba deadlines:

Opportunity 2-Week Deadline External Deadline Results Announced
Innovation Proof-of-Concept Grant July 1 July 15, 2025 (EOI)

Full application by invite only

Oct. 1 Oct. 15, 2024 (EOI)

Full application by invite only

NSERC Alliance - RM ACT No deadline, ongoing call
New Investigator Operating Grant Feb. 20 Mar. 1, 2025 TBD
Research Connections June 3, 2024 June 17, 2024 July 2024
Nov. 4, 2024 Nov. 18, 2024 Dec. 2024
Manitoba Medical Services Foundation

The Manitoba Medical Service Foundation (MMSF) will consider the provision of funds for the advancement of scientific, educational and other activities in the maintenance and improvement of the health and welfare of the residents of Manitoba. The primary focus of the Foundation is to promote and encourage the work of new health researchers in Manitoba.

For more information on their funding opportunities, visit their website.


Mitacs Mandate: Mitacs is a national, not-for-profit organization that has designed and delivered research and training programs in Canada for 20 years. Working with 70 universities, 6,000 companies, and both federal and provincial governments, we build partnerships that support industrial and social innovation in Canada.

For any questions, please contact Dylan Jones in the Research Office.

Upcoming Mitacs opportunities:

Globalink Research Interns
Globalink Research Awards
Business Strategy Internship (BSI)
Government of Canada

In addition to the Tri-Council funding opportunities, the Government of Canada offers a number of other funding opportunities in the categories of:

More information about these opportunities can be found on their website.

Global Affairs Canada

In order to provide opportunities for international initiatives, Global Affairs Canada offers numerous funding opportunities. Their mandate is to: define, shape and advance Canada’s interests and values in a complex global environment; manage diplomatic relations, promote international trade and provide consular support; lead international development, humanitarian, and peace and security assistance efforts; and contribute to national security and the development of international law.

Funding opportunities can be found on their website.

Infrastructure Canada

Infrastructure Canada offers a number of funding programs for projects that are focused on enhancing Canada's overall infrastructure at a municipal, provincial, or federal level. Some of the funding programs they current offer include examples such as the Disaster Mitigation and Adaption Fund (DMAF), New Building Canada Fund, the Green and Inclusive Communities Buildings program, and Canada Healthy Communities Initiatives.

For more information and funding opportunities, visit their website.