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Call for Submissions

Call for Submissions for Rooted in Rhetoric 2023/24

Consent Form (doc)

Image of Volume Eight 

Cover Art by Taylor Nicole Sanford (2023)

Rooted in Rhetoric is a student journal published by the Department of Rhetoric, Writing, and Communications at the University of Winnipeg. Please see the previous volumes on the website. https://www.uwinnipeg.ca/rhetoric/rooted-in-rhetoric.html

If you are interested in being part of the editorial team, please contact us.


This is a call for submissions to be considered for publication in our ninth volume of Rooted in Rhetoric (Spring 2024). We welcome contributions that illustrate the range of assignments represented in the University of Winnipeg Department of Rhetoric, Writing, and Communications.

Submissions may include: critiques, narratives, poetry, comics, photo voice projects, excerpts from research papers, descriptions, or summaries. Other forms of representation such as visual, graphic, and artistic are welcome. Please submit graphics in .jpg format. Please email us your submission and include a 50-word biography and a completed consent form. All submissions should also include your name, contact information, email address, submission title, and submission genre.

The deadline for submissions is April 15, 2024.

Please do not hesitate to direct any questions to:

Eunhee Buettner

Ryan Clement

Helen Lepp Friesen

Jaqueline McLeod Rogers

Submission should include:


Contact information:

Email address:

50-word biography:

Submission title:

Genre of submission:

Updated: November 20, 2023