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Imagine a day in the life of a Roman soldier

Wed. Mar. 31, 2021

Cover image of Dr. Whately's book, An Introduction to the Roman MilitaryDr. Conor Whately’s new textbook, An Introduction to the Roman Military, starts with a historical overview then introduces three historical Roman soldiers — Titus Pullo from the late republic, Aurelius Polion from the high imperial era, and Flavius Aemilianus from late antiquity. He introduces the reader to the “personal” life of Roman soldiers.

"Dr. Whately’s book is life-writing meets history, a very exciting and engaging way to introduce the material and is a significant publication in the field of ancient military studies," says Dr. Peter Miller, Chair of the Classics department.

Check out the UWinnipeg News article and the Faculty of Arts newsletter for more info about Dr. Whately's book!