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Contact Us

Dr. Peter Miller
phone: 204.789.4197
fax: 204.774.4134  
office: 4G16
email: pj.miller@uwinnipeg.ca

Department Assistant:
Angela McGillivray
phone: 204.786.9878
fax: 204.774.4134  
email: ad.mcgillivray@uwinnipeg.ca or classics@uwinnipeg.ca
office: 4G09

Departmental Office: 4G09, Graham Hall, 4th Floor

(Take the elevator on the opposite side of the Riddell Hall cafeteria.)

Hours: 8:30am-4:30pm, Monday to Friday

The office is closed from 12:30-1:30pm for lunch, unless otherwise indicated on the office door.

The office will be closed on the following dates over the summer:

  • Friday, July 19
  • Friday, August 9
  • Friday, August 23


Mailing Address:
Department of Classics
The University of Winnipeg
515 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB   R3B 2E9


Follow us on social media!

Facebook: @uofwclassics

X: @UWinnipeg_CLAS

Instagram: @uwinnipegclassics 


Departmental Committees and Reps

Departmental Curriculum Committee (DCC): Chair Melanie Racette-Campbell

Departmental Personnel Committee (DPC): Chair Melissa Funke

Departmental Review Committee (DRC): Chair Pauline Ripat

Departmental Library Rep/Liaison: Melissa Funke

SSHRC Rep: Conor Whately

CAC Rep: Melanie Racette-Campbell

Comparative Literature Committee: Melanie Racette-Campbell 

Facebook account manager: Melissa Funke

Twitter account manager: Conor Whately

Instagram account manager: Peter Miller