Contact Us
Dr. Peter Miller
phone: 204.789.4197
fax: 204.774.4134
office: 4G16
Department Assistant:
Angela McGillivray
phone: 204.786.9878
fax: 204.774.4134
email: or
office: 4G09
Departmental Office: 4G09, Graham Hall, 4th Floor
Please note that the elevator to Graham Hall is currently out of order. The fourth floor of Graham Hall can be access by stairs in Graham Hall, or by elevator/escalator to the third floor of Centennial Hall, through the walkway to Graham Hall and by stairs to the fourth floor.
If you cannot access the stairs, please call 204-786-9878 for assistance.
Hours: 8:30am-4:30pm, Monday to Friday
The office is closed from 12:30-1:30pm for lunch, unless otherwise indicated on the office door.
Mailing Address:
Department of Classics
The University of Winnipeg
515 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3B 2E9
Follow us on social media!
Facebook: @uofwclassics
Instagram: @uwinnipegclassics
Departmental Committees and Reps
Departmental Curriculum Committee (DCC): Chair Pauline Ripat
Departmental Personnel Committee (DPC): Chair TBD
Departmental Review Committee (DRC): Chair Melissa Funke
Departmental Library Rep/Liaison: Melanie Racette-Campbell
CAC Rep: Flavia Vasconcellos Amaral
Comparative Literature Committee: Melanie Racette-Campbell
Facebook account manager: Melissa Funke
Twitter account manager: Conor Whately
Instagram account manager: Peter Miller