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Karen Malcolm

Karen Malcolm Email: k.malcolm@uwinnipeg.ca


Dr. Malcolm uses the descriptive framework phasal analysis of Communication Linguistics to explore a variety of research applications in genre, humour, ASL studies etc. In the last few years she has also begun publishing articles on India’s Ancient Grammars. Her current research focuses on Abhinavagupta’s Phonemic Emanation Theory. She has taught linguistics at the University of Winnipeg since 1991.

Teaching Areas:

linguistics, stylistics, textual analysis, discourse analysis, phasal analysis, syntax.


“Ancient  Indian Grammars as Doorways to Freedom”. Forthcoming in LACUS 41. Ed. Jessica De Villiers. New Jersey: Hornbeam Press. 2016.

“Communication Linguistics Revised as a Theory of Humour”.  WORD Vol. 61. Number.4. New York: Routledge. Dec. 2015.                       

“Communication Linguistics as a Social and Cognitive Semiotic”. Proceedings of ISC, Aachen, Germany. 2015.

“Communication Linguistics and American Sign Language”.  Presented at Prairie Workshop on Language and Linguistics. Winnipeg, MB. March 2015.

“Teaching Linguistics to Non-Linguists.  Presented at International Linguistics Association. New York, NY. April 2015.

Phasal Analysis: Analysing Discourse through Communication Linguistics. London: Bloomsbury/ Continuum. 2010.

“Suspended Conversations that intersect in the Edwardian Postcard”.  In Systemic Functional Linguistics in Use. Nina Nørgaard (ed.). Special issue of Odense Working Papers in Language and Communication, Institute of Language and Communication, University of Southern Denmark. 2008.


“What Communication Linguistics has to offer Genre and Register Research.”  Folia Linguistica. Acta   Societatis Linguisticae Europaeae. XXXIX/1-2 2005. Ed. H.Gruber et al. Berlin, Germany: Mouton de Gruyter. 2005. p.57-74.