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PUPSS Colloquium: Dr. Garth Huber

Fri. Mar. 4 12:30 PM - Fri. Mar. 4 01:20 PM
Contact: Andrea Wiebe
Location: via Zoom

Dr. Garth Huber, Dept. of Physics, University of Regina, SK

garth huber

Electron-Ion Collider: A major new scientific facility to probe the heart of nuclear matter

A major initiative of the international nuclear physics research community is the construction of the world's first electron-nucleus collider, with the flexibility to change the nuclear ion species as well as the beam energies. For electron-proton collisions, the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) would be the world's first collider where both beams are spin polarized.  In 2020, the EIC has been approved for construction by the U.S. Department of Energy (US-DOE), at Brookhaven National Laboratory (Long Island, NY).  The project is now in an advanced stage of conceptual design, with construction planned for 2024-29, and first operations in 2030-32.  I will summarize the EIC science goals, introduce EIC Canada that coordinates Canadian participation in the EIC, and briefly highlight the University of Regina involvement at the new facility.

BIO: Garth Huber is Professor of Physics at the University of Regina and the Executive Director of the Canadian Institute of Nuclear Physics.  He has served as the Chair of the Division of Nuclear Physics of CAP, and the Chair of the Topical Group on Hadronic Physics of the APS.  Dr. Huber leads a variety of experiments probing the quark-gluon structure of nuclear matter at Jefferson Lab, and is laying the foundations for a new generation of hadron physics research at the Electron-Ion Collider.  His subatomic physics research has also included work at the Mainz Microtron in Germany, the Institute for Nuclear Study in Tokyo, the Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, and TRIUMF.


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