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Dr. Chitra Rangan Colloquium

Fri. Sep. 24 12:30 PM - Fri. Sep. 24 01:20 PM
Contact: Andrea Wiebe
Location: via Zoom

Dr. Chitra Rangan
Professor, Department of Physics, University of Windsor
Windsor, Ontario


Quantum Control of Ultrafast Processes in Atomic Clusters

Abstract: Quantum control is a process by which a specially-designed laser field is used to control the quantum state of a system in order to achieve a desired target.  Originally developed in the chemistry community for photocatalysis, the field has evolved into applications in quantum computing, quantum imaging, quantum sensors, etc.  In this talk, I will describe my group's theoretical work on developing protocols for the control of atomic clusters.  I will show that a cluster of 4000 two-level atoms illuminated by a strong field exhibits a million-fold faster decoherence rate than the individual two-level atom, and a depolarized scattering signal.  I will also show how a process called high-harmonic generation is different in a cluster of atoms versus a single atom.  This talk will be aimed at junior graduate students/ upper-level undergraduate students.


Bio: Dr. Chitra Rangan is a professor of physics at the University of Windsor in the warm and beautiful city of Windsor in south-west Ontario.  She got a BSc Physics degree from the University of Madras, India and an MSc Physics degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India before moving to North America.  She got a PhD in Physics from Louisiana State University, USA in 2000, and after postdoctoral work at the University of Michigan, started a faculty position at the University of Windsor in 2004.

Dr. Rangan's research is on the theoretical aspects of quantum control of ultrafast light-matter interactions.  She is interested both in the applications of the theory, as well as the mathematical aspects.  Her current research interests, which bridge atomic, molecular and optical physics, and material science, are in the discovery of ways to model high-harmonic generation from clusters of atoms.  Her research is funded via an NSERC Discovery grant.

In addition to research, she champions physics outreach, scientific teaching and gender equity in Physics.  She is the Chair of the Steering Committee for the International Day of Light in Canada.  She runs the faculty network - Promoters of Experiential and Active, Research-based Teaching in Science.  She is past chair of the Division for Gender Equity in Physics of the Canadian Association of Physicists.  She is currently the Director of Academic Affairs at the Canadian Association of Physicists, and the Acting Associate Dean of Graduate Studies at the University of Windsor.


Missed the talk? Watch it here: https://uwcloud.uwinnipeg.ca/s/3BQKYaKPaB4Zym8