PUPSS Talk: Garth Huber
Fri. Jan. 29 12:30 PM
- Fri. Jan. 29 01:20 PM
Location: 1L06

Deep Exclusive Meson Production:
Studies of Underlying Quark-Gluon Structure at Jefferson Lab's Hall C
One of the top 10 unsolved problems in physics is the nature of the strong force where quark confinement dominates. i.e. it is poorly understood how quark and gluon interactions give rise to the observed properties of mesons and nucleons. This has motivated an ambitious program in Deep Exclusive electron scattering reactions, where the system responds coherently to the incoming probe and provides a clearer picture of the inner workings of QCD (the theory of strong interactions in the Standard Model). I will describe several upcoming experiments at the newly upgraded Jefferson Lab (USA), which will take data with unprecedented accuracy and will measure some of these properties for the first time to better understand the underlying quark-gluon structure of these particles.
Garth Huber is Professor of Physics at the University of Regina and the Executive-Director of the Canadian Institute of Nuclear Physics. He leads a variety of experiments probing the quark-gluon structure of nuclear matter at Jefferson Lab, and he is also involved in research at the Institute for Nuclear Physics in Mainz, Germany. His work in intermediate-energy subatomic physics has also taken him to the Institute for Nuclear Study in Tokyo, Japan, the Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, and TRIUMF.