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Bruno Cornellier

Bruno Cornellier Title: Associate Professor
Office: 2A43
Building: Ashdown
Email: b.cornellier@uwinnipeg.ca


Bruno Cornellier is an Associate Professor in the Department of English and the Graduate Program Chair of the M.A. in Cultural Studies. He is currently working on a book on class, race, whiteness, and “la question coloniale” in contemporary Québec cinema and society.

Teaching Areas:

Cultural studies; film studies; popular culture


(FW) ENGL-2145-001 Field of Cultural Studies

(FW) GENG-7103-050 Research Methods and Practice


Recent Publications (Selection):

“COVID-19 and the Deadly Seriousness of Cultural Studies.” COVID-19 and Cultural Studies: Articulating the Pandemic, edited by Jane Barter and Angela Failler, Centre for Research in Cultural Studies (CRiCS), June 2020, https://www.uwinnipeg.ca/crics/covid-19-and-cultural-studies/covid-19-and-the-deadly-seriousness-of-cultural-studies.html.

Of the North. L’appropriation culturelle et la romance du ‘copyleft’.” Liberté: Art & Politique no. 321, 2018.

“The Struggle of Others: Pierre Vallières, Québécois Settler Nationalism, and the N-Word Today. Discourse: Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture 39, no.1, 2017.

“Extracting Inuit: The of the North Controversy and the White Possessive.” American Indian Culture and Research Journal 40, no.4, 2016.

“Interculturalism, Settler Colonialism, and the Contest over ‘Nativeness’.” Biopolitics and Memory in Postcolonial Literature and Culture. Ed. Michael R. Griffiths. London: Ashgate, 2016.

“Jackie Chan’s Indian Play: Immigration, Asianness, and the Contracting Self in the American Settler Colony.” Settler Colonial Studies, 6, no.4, 2016.

(co-edited with Michael R. Griffiths). “Globalizing Unsettlement.” Special issue of Settler Colonial Studies 6, no. 4, 2016.

(co-edited with Cécile Alduy and Dominic Thomas, eds.). “The Charlie Hebdo Attacks and Their Aftermath.” Special issue of Occasion 9, 2015.

“Representation, White Resentment, and the Freedom-of-Expression Defense.” Occasion 9, 2015.