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Mirjana Roksandic

Mirjana Roksandic Title: Faculty Member, Coordinator Bioanthropology
Phone: 204.786.9927
Office: 6L35
Building: Lockhart Hall
Email: m.roksandic@uwinnipeg.ca


Mirjana Roksandic is a Professor in the Department of Anthropology and coordinator of the interdisciplinary program in Bioanthropology at The University of Winnipeg and graduate faculty at the University of Manitoba. Her main research topics include Pleistocene hominin evolution in Europe and in particular Eastern Mediterranean and mortuary ritual among sedentary and semi-sedentary archaeological hunter-gatherers. She has two active international projects: one in Serbia focusing on hominins excavated in Paleolithic caves, and the other in Cuba and Nicaragua where she is working on questions of mortuary practice and ritual continuity in the Caribbean. She is interested in when, how, and why humans have moved across continents and vast expanses of lands and sea in the context of adaptation to climatic fluctuations and social pressures. Prof. Roksandic is a recipient of NSERC and SSHRC grants, and the recipient of the Nellie McClung Foundation Manitoba Women Trailblazer Award. 

Click Here for Prof. Roksandic on Women in Science!


ANTH-2304 (3) Introduction to Forensic Anthropology
ANTH-3308 (3) Human Evolution
ANTH-4308 (3) Human Evolution
ANTH-4311 (3) Human Paleopathology
ANTH-4230 (6) International Field School

BANT-2304 (3) Introduction to Forensic Anthropology
BANT-3308 (3) Human Evolution
BANT-4308 (3) Human Evolution
BANT-4311 (3) Human Paleopathology
BANT-4230 (6) International Field School


Roksandic M, Radović P, Lindal J. (2023). The Complex picture of the Chibanian hominin record at the Crossroads of Europe and Asia. In: A Ruiz-Redondo, W Davies (Eds.), The Prehistoric Hunter-gatherers of South-Eastern Europe. Proceedings of the British Academy 258: 36-59. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Mihailovic D, Roksandic M. (2023). The Paleolithic of Temperate Europe. In E. Nikita, T. Rehren (Eds). Encyclopedia of Archaeology 2nd Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-90799-6.00166-X

Olalde I, Carrión P, Mikić I, Rohland N, Mallick S, Lazaridis I, Mah M, Korać M, Golubović S, Petković S, Miladinović-Radmilović N, Vulović D, Alihodžić T, Ash A, Baeta M, Bartík J, Bedić Ž, Bilić M, Bonsall C, Bunčić M, Bužanić D, Carić M, Čataj L, Cvetko M, Drnić I, Dugonjić A, Đukić A, Đukić K, Farkaš Z, Jelínek P, Jovanovic M, Kaić I, Kalafatić H, Krmpotić M, Krznar S, Leleković T, M de Pancorbo M, Matijević V, Milošević Zakić B, Osterholtz AJ, Paige JM, Tresić Pavičić D, Premužić Z, Rajić Šikanjić P, Rapan Papeša A, Paraman L, Sanader M, Radovanović I, Roksandic M, Šefčáková A, Stefanović S, Teschler-Nicola M, Tončinić D, Zagorc B, Callan K, Candilio F, Cheronet O, Fernandes D, Kearns A, Lawson AM, Mandl K, Wagner A, Zalzala F, Zettl A, Tomanović Ž, Keckarević D, Novak M, Harper K, McCormick M, Pinhasi R, Grbić M, Lalueza-Fox C, Reich D. (2023). A genetic history of the Balkans from Roman frontier to Slavic migrations. Cell, 186(25):5472-5485.e9. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.10.018

Bae, Christopher J, Aiello LC,, Hawks J, Kaifu Y, Lindal J, Martinón-Torres M, Ni X, Posth C, Radović P, Reed D, Schroeder L, Schwartz JH, Silcox MT, Welker F, Wu XJ, Zanolli C, Roksandic M. (2023). Moving away from “the Muddle in the Middle” towards solving the Chibanian puzzle. Evolutionary Anthropology https://doi.org/10.1002/evan.22011

Bae CJ, Radović P, Wu X-J, Figueiredo E, Smith GF, Roksandic M. (2023). Placing taxonomic nomenclatural stability above ethical concerns ignores societal norms. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. https://doi.org/10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad061

Figueiredo E, Bae CJ, Radović P, Wu X-J, Roksandic M, Smith GF. (2023). Governance of biological nomenclature: mechanisms to address the needs of end-users are available and not onerous to implement. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. https://doi.org/10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad056

Roksandic M, Musiba C, Radović P, Lindal J, Wu X-J, Figueiredo E, Smith GF, Roksandic I, Bae CJ. (2023). Change in biological nomenclature is overdue and possible. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2023 Jun 19. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-023-02104-x

Roksandic M, Radović P, Wu X-J, Bae CJ. (2022). Homo bodoensis and why it matters. Evolutionary Anthropology 31(5): 240–244. https://doi.org/10.1002/evan.21954

Chinique de Armas Y, González Herrera UM, Reyes I, Buhay WM, Skelton S, Rodríguez Suárez R, Roksandic M. (2022). Multiproxy paleodietary reconstruction using stable isotopes and starch analysis: The case of the archaeological site of Playa del Mango, Granma, Cuba.  Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 46: 103671. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2022.103671

Jackes M, Petchey F, Roksandic M, Meiklejohn C. (2022). Identification of the sample dated as Wk-26796: what it tells us about Cabeco da Amoreira, Muge, Portugal. Mesolithic Miscellany 29(2): 14–18.

Roksandic M, Radović P, Lindal J, Mihailović D. (2022). Early Neanderthals in contact: The Chibanian (Middle Pleistocene) hominin dentition from Velika Balanica Cave, Southern Serbia. Journal of Human Evolution 166: 103175. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhevol.2022.103175

Roksandic M, Radović P, Wu X-J, Bae CJ. (2022). Resolving the “Muddle in the Middle”: the case for Homo bodoensis sp. nov. Evolutionary Anthropology 31(1): 20–29. https://doi.org/10.1002/evan.21929

Mihailović D, Kuhn SL, Bogićević K, Dimitrijević V, Marín-Arroyo AB, Radović P, Marković J, Mercier N, Mihailović B, Morley MW, Rink WJ, Roksandic M. (2022). Connections between the Levant and the Balkans in the late Middle Pleistocene: Archaeological Findings from Velika and Mala Balanica Caves (Serbia). Journal of Human Evolution 163: 103138. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhevol.2021.103138

Pavlović T, Grumeza L, Roksandic M, Djurić M. (2022). Taking from the dead: Grave disturbance of Sarmatian cemeteries in the Banat region. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 32(3): 630–644. https://doi.org/10.1002/oa.3091

Menéndez L, Paul KS, de la Fuente C, Almeida T, Delgado M, Figueiro G, Jorgensen K, Kuzminsky S, López-Sosa MC, Nichols J, Roksandic M, Scott GR, O’Rourke D, Hubbe M. (2022). Towards an interdisciplinary perspective for the study of human expansions and biocultural diversity in the Americas. Evolutionary Anthropology 31(2): 62–68. https://doi.org/10.1002/evan.21937

Mihailović D, Milošević S, Blackwell BAB, Bogićević K, Dragosavac S, Marković J, Mentzer SM, Mercier N, Miller CE, Mihailović B, Plavšić S, Skinner AR, Chaity IIC, Huang YEW, Chu S, Morley MW, Nenadić D, Radović P, Lindal J, Roksandic M. (2022). Neanderthal Settlement of the Central Balkans during MIS 5: Evidence from Pešturina Cave, Serbia. Quaternary International 610: 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2021.09.003

Kocher A, Papac L, Barquera R, Key FM, Spyrou MA, Hüble R, Prüfer K, Rohrlach AB, Aron F, Stahl R, Wissgott A, Mittnik A, Villalba-Mouco V, Neumann GU, Rivollat M, van de Loosdrecht M, Majander K, Tukhbatova RI, Lyazzat M, Ghalichi A, Penske S, Sabin S, Michel M, Gretzinger J, Nelson EA, Ferraz da Silva T, Nägele K, Parker C, Keller M, Guevara EK, Feldman M, Eisenmann S, Skourtanioti E, Giffin K, Gnecchi Ruscone GA, Friederich S, Schimmenti V, Tejedor-Rodríguez C, García-Martínez de Lagrán Í, Arcusa-Magallón H, Garrido-Pena R, Royo-Guillén JI, Khartanovich V, Karapetian MK, Chaplygin MS, Kufterin VV, Khohlov AA, Chizhevsky AA, Stashenkov DA, Kochkina AF, Rottier S, Kacki S, Saintot S, Kaverzneva E, Belinskiy AB, Velemínský P, Limburský P, Kostka M, Chinique de Armas Y, Hernandez Godoy ST, Hernández-Zaragoza DI, Binder D, Lefranc D,   Kantorovich AR, Maslov VE, Lai L, Zoledziewska M, Beckett JF, Langová M, Sperduti A, Beckett S, Salter S, von Heyking K, Burger RL, Salazar LC, Amkreutz L, Navruzbekov M, Rosenstock E, Alonso-Fernández C, Slavchev V, Kalmykov A, Atabiev BCh, Batieva E, Alvarez Calmet M, Llamas B, Schultz M, Krauß R, Jiménez-Echevarría J, Francken M, Shnaider S, Altena E, Van de Vijver K, Fehren-Schmitz L, Tung TA, Lösch S, Dobrovolskaya M, Makarov N, Read C, Van Twest M, Sagona C, Ramsl PC, Akar M, Yener KA, Carmona Ballestero E, Cucca F, Mazzarello V, Utrilla P, Rademaker K, Fernández-Domínguez E, Baird D, Semal P, Márquez-Morfín L, Roksandic M, Steiner H, Salazar-García DC, Shishlina N, Erdal YS, Hallgren F, Boyadzhiev Y, Boyadzhiev K, Küßner M, Sayer D, Onkamo P, Skeates R, Buzhilova A, Khussainova E, Djansugurova LB, Beisenov AZ, Samashev Z, Massy K, Rojo-Guerra M, Mannino M, Moiseyev V, Mannermaa K, Balanovsky O, Deguilloux M-F, Reinhold S, Hansen S, Kitov EP, Dobeš M, Ernée M, Meller H, Warinner C, Schiffels S, Stockhammer PW, Bos K, Posth C, Herbig A, Haak W, Krause J, Kühnert D. (2021). Ten millennia of hepatitis B virus evolution. Science 374(6564): 182–188. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abi5658

Ochando J, Amorós, G, Carrión JS, Fernández S, Munuera M, Camuera J, Jiménez-Moreno G, González-Sampériz P, Burjachs F, Marín-Arroyo AB, Roksandic M, Finlayson C. (2021). Iberian Neanderthals in forests and savannahs. Journal of Quaternary Science https://doi.org/10.1002/jqs.3339.

Plens CR, de Souza, CD, Roksandic I, Górka K, Roksandic M. (2021) Surviving the contact. The Xavante and the demographic impact of epidemics on Brazilian indigenous people from Colonization to the Military Dictatorship. Cadernos do Lepaarq XVIII(35): 146–173.

Roksandic M. (2021). Huesos esenciales y cuerpos efímeros: reflexiones sobre arqueología mortuoria / Essential bones and ephemeral bodies: musings on mortuary archaeology. In UM González Herrera, D Morales Valdés, R Fernández Ortega, I Hernández de la Oliva, S, Leal Soler, N Gutiérrez Peña, Yadira Chinique de Armas: Compendio de sitios arqueológicos aborígenes con presencia de restos humanos en Cuba. Aspha Ediciones, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Pp 11-42 (in Spanish and in English).

Amorós G., J.S.Carrión, J.Ochando, HOMOSCAPE Project Members (Fernández-Peris J, Fernández S, Sánchez-Giner MV, Fernández-Díaz, Haber-Uriarte M, Chaín C, Blasco, R, Rosell J, Sañudo P, Finlayson C, Spikins P, Zollikofer C, Ponce de León M Munuera M, Scott L, Stewart J, Roksandic M, Hajdas I, de la Peña P,Mihailovic D, Arribas A. (2021). Paleoecology and paleoart: Landscapes of the Middle Pleistocene Neanderthals in Bolomor Cave, eastern Iberia. Quaternary Science Review 256, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2021.106826

Fellows Yates, J.A., Velsko, I.M., Aron, F., Posth, C., Hofman, C.A., Austin, R.M., Parker, C.E., Mann, A.E., Nägele, K., Weedman Arthur, K., Arthur J.W., Bauer, C.C., Crevecoeur, I., Cupillard, C., Curtis, M.C., Dalén, L., Díaz-Zorita Bonilla, M., Díez Fernández-Lomana, J.C., Drucker, D.G., Escribano Escrivá, E., Francken, M., Gibbon, V.E., González Morales,M.R., Grande Mateu, A., Harvati, K., Henry, A.G., Humphrey, L., Menéndez, M., Mihailović, D., Peresani, M., Rodríguez Moroder, S., Roksandic, M., Rougier, H., Sázelová, S., Stock, J.T., Straus, L.G., Svoboda, J., Teßmann, B., Walker M., Power, R.C., Lewis, C.M., Sankaranarayanan, K., Guschanski, K., Wrangham, R.W., Dewhirst, F.E., Salazar[1]García, D.C., Krause,J., Herbig, A., Warinner, C. (2021). The evolution and changing ecology of the African hominid oral microbiome, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2021655118. PNAS May 18, 2021 118 (20) e2021655118; https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2021655118

Grau González-Quevedo ER, Hernández Godoy ST, Fernández Ortega R, González Herrera UM, Garcell Domínguez J, Morales Prada A, López Belando AJ, Roksandic M, Chinique de Armas Y. (2021). The Use of 3D Photogrammetry in the Analysis, Visualisation and Dissemination of the Indigenous Archaeological Heritage of the Greater Antilles, Open Archaeology. Vol. 7 (Issue 1), pp. 435-453. https://doi.org/10.1515/opar-2020-0144.

Chinique de Armas Y., González Herrera U.M., Buhay W.M., Yero Masdeu J.M., Burchell M., Crann C.,  Viera Sanfiel L.M., Grau González-Quevedo E.R., Hernández Godoy S.T., Roksandic M. (2020). Chronology of the archaeological site of Playa del Mango, Rio Cauto, Granma, Cuba. Radiocarbon, 62 (5): 1221-1236.

Naegele K, Posth C, Iraeta Orbegozo M, Chinique de Armas Y, Hernández Godoy ST, González Herrera UM, Nieves-Colón MA, Sandoval-Velasco M, Mylopotamitaki D, Radzeviciute R, Laffoon J, Pestle WJ, Ramos-Madrigal J, Lamnidis TC, Schaffer WC, Carr RS, Day JS, Arredondo Antúnez, C, Rangel Rivero A, Martínez-Fuentes A, Crespo-Torres E, Roksandic I, Stone AC, Lalueza-Fox C, Hoogland M, Roksandic M, Hofman CL, Krause J, Schroeder H. (2020). Genomic insights into the early peopling of the Caribbean, Science DOI: 10.1126/science.aba8697

Lindal J, Radovic P, Miahilovic D, Roksandic M. (2020). Postcranial hominin remains from the Late Pleistocene of Pešturina Cave (Serbia). Quaternary International 542, 9-14.

Radović P, Lindal J, Marković Z, Alaburić S, Roksandic M. (2019). First record of a fossil monkey (Primates, Cercopithecidae) from the Late Pliocene of Serbia, Journal of Human Evolution, 137 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhevol.2019.102681

González Herrera UM, Rodríguez Suárez R, Reyes Serrano I, Yero Masdeu JM, Chinique de Armas Y, Roksandic M. (2019). Discos líticoshoradados en contextos arqueológicos aborígenes de Cuba. Aproximación a su función social desde la etnografía y la arqueología. Ciencia Y Sociedad, 44(4), 7-23. https://doi.org/10.22206/cys.2019.v44i4.pp7-23.

Radović P, Lindal J, Mihailović D, Roksandic M. (2019). The first Neanderthal specimen from Serbia: Hominin material from the Upper Pleistocene strata of Pešturina cave. Journal of Human Evolution 131: 139-151. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhevol.2019.03.018

Roksandic I, Roksandic M. (2019). Peopling of the Caribbean. In: K. Harvati, G. Jäger and H.  Reyes-Centeno Eds. New Perspectives on the Peopling of the Americas. Kerns Verlag Tübingen, 199-223.

Chinique de Armas Y, Rodriguez Suarez R, Buhay WM, Roksandic M. (2019). Subsistence strategies and food consumption patterns of Archaic Age populations from Cuba: From traditional perspectives to current analytical results. In: CL Hofman and AT Antczak Eds.  Early Settlers of the Insular Caribbean: Dearchaizing the Archaic. Sidestone Press Leiden, 107-120.

Chinique de Armas Y., Roksandic M. (2019). Assessing the biological and cultural diversity of Archaic populations from Western Cuba. Bioarchaeology in Latin America. In: D Ubelaker, SE Colantonio, Eds. Biological Anthropology of Latin America Historical Development and Recent Advances. Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology, No. 51. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Scholarly Press, 161-171. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.11365715

Roksandic M, Buhay WM, Byers D, Lechado Rios L, Duncan HJC, Roksandic I. (2018). The earliest dated burial from the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua: Angi shell-matrix site, community of Monkey Point. Antiquity 92 (366):1478-1491. https://doi.org/10.15184/aqy.2018.142

Roksandic M, Radović P, Lindal J. (2018). Revising the hypodigm of Homo heidelbergensis, a view from the Eastern Mediterranean. Quaternary International, 466: 66-81.

Chinique de Armas Y, Roksandic M. (2019). Assessing the Biological and Cultural Diversity of Archaic Age Populations from Western Cuba.  In: D Ubelaker, SE Colantonio, Eds. Biological Anthropology of Latin America Historical Development and Recent Advances. Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology, No. 51. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Scholarly Press.

Smith D, Chinique de Armas Y, Rodríguez Suárez R, Buhay WM, Roksandic I, Peros M, Roksandic M. (2018). Crossing the subsistence divide: The case of Canímar Abajo and the contemporaneous sites in Cuba and the Caribbean. In: B Reid Ed. The archaeology of Caribbean and circum-Caribbean farmers (5000 BC - AD 1500). Routledge, 98-112.

Roksandic M. (2016). The role of the Central Balkans in the peopling of Europe: Paleoanthropological evidence. In K Harvati and M Roksandic Eds. Paleoanthropology of the Balkans and Anatolia: Human occupation and its context. Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 15-35.