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Alan Diduck

Alan  Diduck Title: Adjunct Faculty, Retired Professor
Phone: 204-786-9777
Office: 4CM54
Email: a.diduck@uwinnipeg.ca


Personal Website:



  • ENV-1600 (3) Human-Environmental Interactions
  • ENV-3025 (3) Issues in Sustainable Cities
  • ENV-3035 (3) Law and the Environment
  • ENV-4616 (3) Campus Sustainability

Research Interests:

  • Environmental governance
  • Impact assessment
  • Community engagement
  • Social learning
  • Environmental justice


  • 2021. Zurba, M., Sinclair, A. J., & Diduck, A. P. “Two-Row” cross-cultural learning for collaborative governance of forestland in Northwestern Ontario, Canada. Regional Environmental Change. 21(2), 57. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-021-01784-0
  • 2020. Diduck, A. P., Raymond, C. M., Rodela, R., Moquin, R., & Boerchers, M. Pathways of learning about biodiversity and sustainability in private urban gardens. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 63(6), 1056-1076. https://doi.org/10.1080/09640568.2019.1633288
  • 2020. Dilay, A., Diduck, A. P., & Patel, P. Environmental justice in India: A case study of environmental impact assessment, community engagement and public interest litigation. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal. 38(1), 16-27. https://doi.org/10.1080/14615517.2019.1611035