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Walls to Bridges

Eye-opening program brings incarcerated students and campus-enrolled students together to learn as peers, behind correctional facility walls.

Walls to Bridges is a unique program offered through The University of Winnipeg. This program connects incarcerated and campus-enrolled students to study together inside the prison walls, earning credit toward their degrees, and sharing academic and life experiences — changing lives and views on world issues. Walls to Bridges uses teaching methods designed to ensure both groups of students learn as equals.


New Fall 2024 Courses

CJ-3184-495 Surveillance, Information, Criminal Justice (W2B)

TUES 1pm-4pm, Fall 2024

Instructor: Kevin Walby


ENGL-3118-490 Topics in Fiction for Young People: Animal Tales (W2B)

TUES 1pm-4pm, Fall 2024

Instructor: Heather Snell



Spring 2024 Courses

Applied Theatre II (W2B)
Instructor: Hope McIntyre
Spring 2024 – May 6 to June 17, 2024
Tuesdays/Thursdays 1pm-3:30pm

This course will use theatre-based techniques to explore how the arts can build community and provoke social change with a focus on the logistics of creating new work, producing performances, and operating a theatre collective.

Class activities will be practical in nature, ranging from readings, discussion, improvisation, group creation, and practical exercises. Skills and topics explored will include:

  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Creative and Professional Writing
  • Marketing and Audience Engagement
  • Organization and Planning
  • Producing for Theatre
  • The Business of Theatre
  • Theatre for Social Change

Contact Hope McIntyre at h.mcintyre@uwinnipeg.ca for information.

Introduction to Playwriting (W2B)
Instructor: Hope McIntyre 
Summer 2024 – July 8 to August 16, 2024
Tuesdays/Thursdays 1pm-3:30pm

This course will explore the basic elements of playwriting as well as broader storytelling techniques used in the performing arts. Class activities will be practical in nature. They will include the reading of sample scripts, writing exercises, sharing of written work, discussion of effective storytelling techniques, and practical exercises. Contact Hope McIntyre at h.mcintyre@uwinnipeg.ca  for information.

Other Recent Courses 

*Applied Theatre – THFM-2001-495 Special Studies Course at Stony Mountain Institution Fall 2023 - Thursdays 1:30pm-4pm... This 3 credit course is for all those interested in the integration of art with social activism and work in community! Skills explored will include storytelling, communication, collaboration, and the ability to affect an audience through performance. Contact Hope McIntyre at h.mcintyre@uwinnipeg.ca with any questions or to schedule an interview.

*MULT 1200 Short Stories, Poetry and Art. Instructor: John Samson Fellows Fall Term, 2023 Thursdays, 1:00 to 3:30 pm at Stony Mountain Institution. In this course, students generate short forms of creative non-fiction, fiction, poetry, memoir, and reportage, and apply editorial processes to their work and the work of others. The final project will be a collaborative printed zine, which may incorporate visual art. This course brings campus-enrolled students together with incarcerated students in person at Stony Mountain Institution. Permission required: contact Judith Harris at j.harris@uwinnipeg.ca 

*Surveillance, Information, & Criminal Justice – CJ 3184 Course at Stony Mountain Institution Fall 2023 - Tuesdays 1pm-3:30pm... This 3 credit course is for all those interested in Walls to Bridges. Explores issues of visibility and invisibility adopting the Walls to Bridges style. Contact Kevin Walby for details. k.walby@uwinnipeg.ca

Applied Theatre – THFM-2001-495 Special Studies Course at Stony Mountain Institution Spring 2023 - May 1 to June 12, 2023 Tuesdays/Thursdays 1pm-3:30pm... This 3 credit course is for all those interested in the integration of theatre with social activism and work in community! Class activities will include improvisation, playwriting, and storytelling exercises. Skills explored will include communication, collaboration, vocal delivery, physical embodiment, creative writing, listening, focus, and the ability to effect an audience through performance. Students will be encouraged to discover their own artistry, to explore issues of concern to their communities, to identify problems and then actively rehearse solutions. The work will culminate in a facilitated sharing of work developed throughout the term. Interviews must occur with all interested students and permission must be given to register. Contact Hope McIntyre at h.mcintyre@uwinnipeg.ca  with any questions or to schedule an interview.