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Jenelle Ehn

Jenelle Ehn Title: Graduate Student
Room: 4CM52
Building: Centennial Hall
Email: ehn-j75@webmail.uwinnipeg.ca

Degree: Master of Science
Thesis: Exploring New Dutch Elm Disease Management Strategies in Winnipeg, Manitoba
Supervisor: Richard Westwood
Entry: Fall 2022

Research Interests:
My research will focus on developing new strategies for managing Dutch elm disease within Winnipeg’s elm population. The project will involve using drone technology to assess tree health and determine if non-visible symptoms from Dutch elm disease can be detected at an early stage of disease to reduce the time of diagnosis in diseased trees. The second component of my project will involve using techniques to monitor elm bark beetle flight periods in Winnipeg, examining flight activity in the spring as well as mid to late summer. Knowing the specific timeframe of beetle emergence can assist in improving Winnipeg’s Dutch elm disease rapid removal program by removing infected trees with high larval beetle populations before they emerge, decreasing beetle volumes and reducing the spread of disease. 

I have a 4-year Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Winnipeg, majoring in Biology and minoring in Physical Geography. My interests focus on wildlife and environmental conservation, and I am pursuing a career with the mindset of creating a positive impact and spreading appreciation for the natural world. I have a diverse set of experiences including waterfowl research, bat research, urban forestry work, and fish research. I am pursuing my master’s degree with goal of producing research that will lead to advanced tree disease management strategies. I am an ISA certified arborist with a passion for protecting Winnipeg's urban forest!