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"Feed Your Mind" Lunch and Learn Lecture series

Fri. Jan. 10, 2020

factory workersDr. Kundan Mishra will speak about workers' Rights and Western consumerism in the context of an unfortunate event happened at the Tazreen garment factory in Dhaka, Bangladesh that resuted death of 112 garment factory workers. Despite these circumstances, the Tazreen garment factory and other factories in the region still continue to manufacture cheap clothes for global outlets.

The factory fire sparked a debate about exploitative working conditions, workers' rights and global accountability. In this lecture, we will discuss the impact of Tazreen Factory fire on worker's rights and international efforts towards protecting them in an era of globalized production chains. Through a series of photographs of the Tazreen factory fire, and interviews of garment factory workers, this lecture will evaluate the progress made and the tough road ahead in the global worker's rights movement.

Attend the lecture on Wednesday, January 29, 12:30 PM to 1:20 PM.