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Urban Indigenous Doula Project

Courtney Bear worked on the project “She Walks with Me: Supporting Urban Indigenous Expectant Mothers through Culturally-Based Doulas” with Dr. Jaime Cidro and her research team. This research project builds capacity for a pilot program in Winnipeg through which expectant Indigenous mothers can receive culturally responsive support from doulas, or birth workers/helpers, during pregnancy, birthing, and postpartum. Courtney’s task was to detail existing doula service models utilized to provide care to clients through an environmental scan of BIPOC doula collectives and organizations in North America. Within an Anishinaabe value system, traditional birth helpers, provide help grounded in Indigenous ways of knowing. The birthing and celebrating life ceremonies are important practices for Anishinaabe peoples, especially when children are born into the physical world. Courtney has appreciated working on this project with her research team and mentor.