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Doug Foster

Doug Foster

Mr. Foster developed and implemented a bathroom fixture retrofit program that promises to save the University in excess of one million gallons of water every year.  Compared to conventional washrooms, the washrooms that Mr. Foster has retrofitted will save enough water annually to fill the main pool at Pan Am Pool.

Mr. Foster’s initiative is especially noteworthy because the initial intent of the washroom retrofit project was to replace sinks and toilets throughout campus to make them more accessible – the initial project scope did not include an environmental sustainability component.

Mr. Foster, however, saw an opportunity to incorporate a considerable sustainability element into the project he was asked to undertake.  He worked to identify the most efficient water fixtures that the University’s older buildings could accommodate - six litre low-flow toilets, electronic flush low- flow urinals, and electronic sinks – and developed a plan to change out all bathrooms in core buildings on campus. The retrofit project is still underway.