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Committee Members

Meet the community leaders whose compassion and dedication make The University of Winnipeg's participation in the annual United Way Campaign possible.

Danny BlairDanny Blair, University of Winnipeg United Way Campaign Co-Chair

I'm very grateful for all that I have and feel it is my responsibility as a citizen of this city, and as a human, to help others who need assistance. I've volunteered for our campus campaign for many years, serving as chair or co-chair on several occasions. For the last few years I've also been a member of the city's United Way Cabinet, as co-chair of the Universities and Colleges Division.

Meaghan MichalukMeaghan Michaluk, University of Winnipeg United Way Campaign Co-Chair

I joined the University of Winnipeg United Way committee four years ago because I wanted to help raise funds for an organization that helps so many people in the Winnipeg community, including the Aurora Family Therapy Centre at The University of Winnipeg. I applaud United Way for supporting mental health resources; it is important to fund programs like these.

Tracy WhalenTracy Whalen, Committee Member and United Way Cabinet Member

When I lived in the West Broadway neighbourhood, I was moved by the quietly momentous work accomplished every day by not-for-profit, United Way-funded agencies. Before stepping into a cabinet member role, I served three years as the University of Winnipeg United Way Campaign Chair, and each year I am more impressed by the collective efforts of our university community to effect meaningful change in our city. 

Linda DietrickLinda Dietrick, Committee Member 

I'm glad to help maintain the strong commitment of the UWRA to the United Way campaign. Even though I'm no longer employed by the University, I still recognize the need in our community—especially in the downtown area shared by our campus and especially now. For me and many of my retired colleagues, it goes without saying that we will continue giving.

Tari MuvingiTari Muvingi, Committee Member 

I’ve worked in front-line community support centres, and seen firsthand the impact that the United Way has. We worked in partnership with many United Way funded agencies that provide essential services, from immigrant settlement, to basic health, to poverty reduction, to youth supports – things that can make a big difference in an individual’s success in life. This is why I’m involved with the campaign - so many lives have been, and continue to be, positively impacted by the United Way.

 Jenna RussellJenna Russell, Committee Member 

I joined this committee last year and immediately felt a sense of community and belonging. The United Way brings people together and reminds us of the impact we can make when working as a team. I am proud to be involved in such meaningful and impactful work.

Help us make a difference

Learn more about becoming a volunteer ambassador. If you would like to get involved with UWinnipeg's United Way campaign, email Tari Muvingi at t.muvingi@uwinnipeg.ca.