2016 Convocation
Fri. Jun. 10, 2016

June 9th was a beautiful summer morning as friends and family of the University of Winnipeg’s Arts graduates gathered to celebrate their achievements at the 107th Spring Convocation. Here we relate some of the highlights of the day from Naniece Ibrahim’s coverage for the University of Winnipeg’s Department of Marketing and Communications. For more detail, please follow the links below to go to her features. (Photo: © UWinnipeg)
Valedictorian Ari Decter-Frain spoke on behalf of the graduates. During his time as an undergraduate student, Decter-Frain was actively engaged in all aspects of academic life, working close with faculty members as a volunteer and a TA, conducting research and publishing his work. He earned several scholarships and grants and worked at the Public Interest Law Centre of Manitoba, a non-profit legal association.
The following day, UWinnipeg alumna and clinical psychologist, Dr. Jennifer Frain, received the Distinguished Alumni award for her leadership in professional organizations, including her role as the President of Canadian Psychological Association in 2012. Jennifer Frain is also the mother of Ari Decter-Frain. We congratulate the Frain/Decter-Frain family and thank them for their service.
Jane Lothian Murray received the Clifford J. Robson Memorial Award for Teaching Excellence. Photo: © UWinnipeg
Arts faculty members enjoyed great success as four of the major awards went to Arts faculty, as follows:
Anne Rusnak (MOD) – Instructor Emerita
Michael Collins McIntyre (PSYC) – Fellowship in United College
Joan Grace (POL) – Robin H. Farquhar Award for Excellence in Contributing to Self-Governance
Jane Lothian Murray (CJ) – Clifford J. Robson Memorial Award for Teaching Excellence
For more on these awards, please go to "Faculty to be Honoured at Spring Convocation."
Robert Enright, noted Canadian educator and journalist, was selected to receive an Honorary Doctorate of Letters for his lifetime achievements in arts.
With 615 undergraduate Arts degrees awarded (446 - 3-year degrees, 98 - 4-year degrees, and 71 - Honours degrees), the Faculty of Arts continues to be a strength of the University of Winnipeg.