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UWinnipeg donor with student

The University of Winnipeg, through its Foundation, is fortunate to receive donations from alumni, other foundations, corporations, and individuals. These help to meet a broad range of needs, enabling students and faculty to grow in excellence within an infrastructure dedicated to enhanced academic programming.

As a donor, you can designate your gift to any fund, department or academic program on campus that is important to you. Or, you can even establish your own fund! If you wish to support more than one area on campus, simply indicate those choices on your pledge form or our online donor form.

Your generosity will provide increased educational opportunities for students to hone those skills that are critical to successful graduate research and scholarship. Graduate program donors such as University of Winnipeg Chancellor Bob Silver have indicated “UWinnipeg leads the country as an institution that can help change and mold a community.  I am proud to be a part of something so transformative and to support programs that are making a huge impact on our youth locally and abroad.”

The Faculty of Graduate Studies believes that anyone with a thirst to learn should be given the opportunity to earn a degree, and with the contributions of generous supporters, we are contributing to the removal of financial barriers that can prevent individuals from following their dreams.

Below is a list of academic programs in the Faculty of Graduate Studies supported through generous donor contributions. 

Graduate Students Scholarship Endowment
Dean of Graduate Studies Future Fund
Indigenous Governance Prize
Graduate Studies Application Expense Bursary
Linda Brown & Vana Kirby Graduate Scholarship
Senator Thomas Alexander Crerar Scholarship
The Duff Roblin Graduate Fellowships

You are invited to contribute to the University of Winnipeg Foundation by clicking here.