
WCUPPA 2016 – Sustainability in Action

June 22 to 24, 2016 – University of Winnipeg

We invite you to The University of Winnipeg for WCUPPA 2016. Let’s DISCOVER and celebrate our successful sustainability projects and discuss our future goals and initiatives. We have all worked hard to ACHIEVE reductions in energy usage, greenhouse gas emissions, waste diversion, elimination of herbicides and pesticides on our campuses. As Physical Plant Administrators we BELONG to a unique group that has had significant successes with limited budgets. Our students expect universities to be leaders in addressing sustainability issues; it’s our job to meet the challenge while still enhancing their campus experience.

Everyone knows that implementing sustainability initiatives can result in operational cost savings, reductions in GHG emissions and energy savings. Some of these initiatives are straightforward and result in a good return on investment. What do we do after we have harvested the “low hanging fruit”? WCUPPA 2016 will give you the opportunity to share your experiences, learn about successes at other universities and generate new ideas for your future projects.